Thủy Sản Cafatex

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Danh mục : Doanh Nghiệp

Estabilished in 1992, Cafatex corp is located in Mekong Delta Western Vietnam, the biggest delta in South East Asia. This Delta has many primary mangrove forests that are situated on the shores of East sea. They are green and clean and contain abundant aquatic sources that live in a circle of life all year round. The delta provides high quality aquatic products and seafood of large quantity in VietNam for the world now and in the future.
      From this area, more than 75 percents of shrimp volume and 100 percent of Pangasius (Basa fish) have been exported to overseas. Cafatex Corp is the leader in Vietnam for producing, packing and exporting various kinds of value added seafood from 1997.
      We run one factory to process Black Tiger shrimp with capacity 10,000MT and another factoty to process Pangasius (Basa fish) with capacity 15,000 MT per year for finished products to supply to three largest import markets in the world the EU, United States of America and Japan, and more then 40 other countries. Cafatex Corp is a highly professional processor and packer offering perfect export service and constant improvement to ensure supply and quality and meet the changing requirements of customers in each individual market.
      Cafatex Corp has the best automatic deep freezing systems, cold storage and refrigerated transportation with big capacity and high quality. In addition, Cafatex corp’s laboratory is equipped with modern instruments from Europe, United States and Japan to analyze and test the products after all biological, chemical criteria of EU, also other countries’ requirements. With well-trained and skillful 3,000 workers, we have the ability to process, pack and export thousands of ton of finished products with a range of hundreds of value added products that meet the various requirements of many markets.

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